Saturday, September 14, 2024

The New Zealand data released by Barry Young can be used to prove the COVID vaccines are unsafe

 Recently, I took another look at the New Zealand data leaked by Barry Young.

That’s a huge problem for the mean mortality rates to have such a huge variation.

The other important realization (that I’m apparently the first person to point out) is that for a given age range and vaccination date, if you do a histogram of the mortality rates of the batches, if the vaccines are safe, these will form a normal distribution because of the central limit theorem.

The code and the data The code for the New Zealand batch analysis was trivial to write.

It turns out it is trivial to show that the 1 year mortality from the time of the shot is batch dependent, varying by a factor of 2 or more.

Thank you to Barry Young for exposing this data so it can be analyzed and so we can inform people with an open mind of the harms.

The central limit theorem guarantees that if we make a histogram of the mortality rates of each batch for a given age range, it must form a normal distribution if the vaccines are safe.

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