Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Loss of America’s Transcendent Values

The transcendent values are the values that bring us together, and those values are undergirded by English-speaking legal values and Protestant theological values (which include Old Testament moral values to some degree).

The elimination of these three transcendent values is a reminder that we have begun to take steps beyond “liberalism” into a new universe of social and political disintegration.

Earlier this year, West Point's superintendent announced that West Point would modify its mission statement to drop “Duty, Honor, and Country” in favor of "the Army Values," a reference to a broader set of seven attributes that serve as the Army's ethos.

The left completely misunderstands the relationship between and among unchanging values, the role of freedom in a context of unchanging values, the brilliant formulation of American constitutional structure and principles, faith in God as a powerful motivation in the establishment of our country, and the importance of a legal system based on natural law and not upon critical theory or Marxist principles.

The disintegration of male/female identity as a sine qua non for a healthy society, the ethnic balkanization of our society that has gone on for a few decades, and “green” obsession with overpopulation and with getting rid of fossil fuels and natural gas are the backdrop of the decline of transcendent values.

It can be a little hard to get a sense of this slipping away because it is a slippage that starts at the level of one’s general values.

This shift has rightly raised concerns about the woke — i.e., unpatriotic — direction being taken throughout our military and throughout many of our educational institutions.

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