Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Escape from Managerialist Medicine

Whether the influence of Big Pharma that profits from sickness, compromised public health agencies controlled by the very industries they are supposed to regulate, a biosecurity state that tends to jump from one declared health emergency to the next, medicine is now in danger of causing more sickness than it heals.

Most of the current research literature on iatrogenesis focuses on the problem of medical errors, and how to institute systems that can minimize errors.

The problem is not limited to that period of recent medical history, and the disastrous public health response was only a symptom of more widespread problems in our healthcare system.

The solution therefore must involve a political program that facilitates the reappropriation of personal responsibility for health care, with sensible limits to the professional management of our health.

Medicine has long exaggerated its effectiveness, though these myths have been thoroughly documented and debunked by historians of medicine and public health.

As Illich put it, "The more time, toil, and sacrifice spent by a population in producing medicine as a commodity, the larger will be the by-product, namely, the fallacy that society has a supply of health locked away which can be mined and marketed."[x]. Health can be cultivated but cannot be purchased.

The problems of overly industrialized medicine will not be solved by industrialized public health. 

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