Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Many doctors are completely in the dark about the extent of Big Pharma’s deceptive and dangerous practices

 Many doctors are completely in the dark about the extent of Big Pharma’s deceptive and dangerous practices However, those who get their news from the mainstream media are blissfully unaware of all this, and that includes many medical professionals as well.

As the pandemic demonstrated, the mainstream media has to keep its advertisers happy, and that includes pharmaceutical companies, and they’re also influenced by the government.

There have also been cases involving journals that were sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and made to look like independent scientific journals containing articles that were ghostwritten by Merck employees and attributed to doctors.

Many doctors who pushed COVID-19 vaccines said that they believed they were safe because they thought that pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t do anything to hurt people, but apparently, they just weren’t paying enough attention.

As a result, many doctors are surprisingly naïve to what has been going on with Big Pharma and its numerous deceptions and illegal actions.

There were a lot of familiar names on the list, with GlaxoSmithKline paying overall fines of nearly $10 billion, Pfizer on the hook for $2.9 billion and Johnson & Johnson paying $2.6 billion in penalties.

For example, not many doctors are aware of a peer-reviewed article published by the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2020 looking at illegal activities by pharmaceutical companies from 2003 to 2016.


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