Monday, September 16, 2024

Hurricane forecasts poised to be spectacularly overstated, raising doubt about climate science

With the hurricane season refusing to produce the “turbocharged” extreme weather so-called climate journalists have been warning about, these reporters are now worried that people will start to doubt the alarm.

The Atlantic hurricane season continues through Nov. 30.

In the politicized world of climate science, the science is supposed to be “settled.” Those who have doubts about climate change predictions are labeled deniers.

With Hurricane Francine hitting the coasts Thursday, the total number of named storms only comes to six, making it one of the quietest hurricane seasons to date.

Penn State celebrity climate scientist Michael Mann announced in April that his research group’s 2024 North Atlantic season forecast was expecting an “unprecedented” 33 named storms, with a range between 27 and 39.

Polls are done with different questions, from different groups with different agendas, different sample sizes, and different margin of errors.

Now with the hurricane season refusing to produce the “turbocharged” extreme weather climate journalists have been warning about, these reporters are worried that people will start to doubt the alarm.

There are different types of organizations, different model types, different forecast metrics, and different times of the season the forecasts are released. 

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