Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Second Trump Shooter Believed Exactly What the Establishment Media Wanted Him to Believe

The reaction from the political establishment and the establishment media has been notably different.

While most go through the motion of denouncing political violence, establishment figures and outlets have downplayed the assassination attempt, obscured the attempted shooter's political ideology, and even blamed Trump himself for provoking people into trying to kill him.

It's not surprising that the political establishment and their friends in the media want to dismiss or play down what happened on Sunday.

Because Ryan Routh, the suspect, appears to have been motivated by the exact narrative of the war in Ukraine and the prospect of a second Trump term that the establishment is trying so hard to get the American public to accept.

Because of unearthed social media posts, numerous interviews with major outlets like The New York Times, and a self-published book, we can clearly see that Routh was completely convinced by the establishment's characterization of the war.

Importantly, as can be seen in the opening to Biden's State of the Union address from earlier this year, the establishment has explicitly conflated this threat abroad with what they call the threat at home-meaning Trump and the MAGA movement.

That's not to say that the establishment voices pushing the simplistic narratives that captured Routh directly incited his assassination attempt-although it would under the standard they apply to Trump and January 6. 

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