Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Homeschooling is Still Gaining Popularity…Thanks to Woke ‘Educators’

Many parents started homeschooling out of frustration with the failure of “virtual learning” to provide children with a quality education.

Homeschooling families have access to a variety of extracurricular activities and educational resources designed to help homeschooling children get the most out of the homeschooling experience.

One of the few areas where liberty made gains in the COVID lockdown era was the increase in homeschooling.

The conservative counter to “woke” education is the mandating of “patriotic” education, which is code for promoting the neoconservative line that all of America’s wars were justified and America has a right and duty to use its military might to spread democracy.

As more parents become aware of how government schools short-change education in favor of indoctrination by incorporating “woke” subjects like critical race theory, transgenderism, and “green new deal” propaganda disguised as “climate science” into the curriculum, more parents will turn to homeschooling.

That means they don’t have to rely on political battles when it comes to education.” Another reason homeschooling is popular is the increasing number of resources and opportunities available to homeschooling parents and children.

According to the John Hopkins University’s Homeschool Hub, 5.8 percent of American children were homeschooled in the 2022-2023 school year.


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