Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Media Demands More Migrants Settled in Pro-Trump Counties.

Globalist media conglomerate Bloomberg is pushing for recent migrants to the United States to be settled in Republican-voting counties across the country.

In a story ostensibly about the economic need for migrants in red-leaning localities, Bloomberg subtly alludes to the potential electoral impact the migrants could have.

Their arrival will nonetheless reverberate in the presidential contest"What the authors don't acknowledge is that some of these migrants could potentially cast ballots in November's election illegally.

Proponents of mass immigration, including Bloomberg, often contend that settling migrants in economically depressed areas with declining populations provides benefits to locals.

The migrant workers, they argue, serve as a tax revenue base and provide cheap labor for local businesses.

In reality, these migrants often undercut the wages of native residents and place increased strain on municipal services.

Cities like Springfield, Ohio, which has seen a massive influx of Haitian migrants, have experienced rapid increases in housing costs and ballooning budgets for city services.

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