Monday, September 16, 2024

Coordination of the Global Pandemic Response

The Global Covid Pandemic Response and Its Aftermath When the WHO declared a global Covid-19 pandemic on March 11, 2020, the biodefense global public-private partnership and its collaborators - most importantly, the censorship and propaganda industrial complex, which I refer to as the psy-op complex - had already been preparing the response rollout for several months.

Response Rollout in Individual Countries Here's how the biodefense global pandemic response strategy materialized on the ground in most countries: January-February 2020: Public health agencies seem to be in charge of responding to the outbreak.

The public health plan is the same as always: monitor for local clusters of serious disease requiring treatment, and be prepared to scale up hospital capacity if needed.

Without telling the public, pandemic response is officially moved from public health agencies to military/intelligence-led bodies operating largely in secret.

Public health agencies switch from traditional public health plan to nonstop lockdown-until-vaccine propaganda.

Every commission in nearly every country finds that the public health agencies were woefully inadequate, that the public health response in January-February was catastrophically misguided, and that the lockdown-until-vaccine plan should have been implemented as soon as the first cases were discovered in China.

Pandemic Strategy: Lockdown-Until-Vaccine The pandemic response strategy reflected the dual-use nature of the biodefense/pandemic preparedness endeavor: it was a biodefense response, which treated the entire world as a biowarfare zone, but it was presented to the public as an epidemiologically and scientifically based public health response.

If the Covid response had truly been based on public health, the biodefense GPPP would have been mostly left out.

There were three major obstacles at the outset of the pandemic to convincing everyone that lockdown-until-vaccine was the right course of action: The plan could cause massive collateral damage in terms of economic, educational, psychological, and social devastation, which could make political and public health leaders balk.

The virus itself was potentially dangerous mostly for the elderly and infirm and could have been handled using traditional public health measures.

Professional epidemiologists, virologists, and non-biodefense pandemic planners would recognize these obvious facts and would tell the public that this was not an accepted - or in any way valid - public health plan.

With its representatives in every government's military/intelligence counterterrorism division and its deep ties to the global public health network, the biodefense complex disseminated the lockdown-until-vaccine plan to top levels of world governments.

In every country, political and public health leaders told lower-level public health officials and the public - with the immense power of the psy-op complex behind them - that this was definitely not a bioweapon, but it was a naturally occurring virus the likes of which had never been seen before.

Of course, were part of a widely accepted public health pandemic preparedness plan.

Through its control of research funding, medical journals, medical associations, and its tens of thousands of affiliated medical professionals, the biodefense GPPP flooded the zone with articles, interviews, and guidelines supporting the story that lockdown-until-vaccine was not just a valid public health plan, but the only "Humane" one.

Fomenting Panic through Lies and Fake Public Health Measures It is well documented that people in a state of fear will believe claims and submit to treatment they would never accept under other circumstances.

Fake Public Health Measures to Sustain Panic To sustain the public's belief in these bad things happening, despite all real-world evidence to the contrary, it was also necessary to convince everyone that lockdown-until-vaccine was a heroic endeavor requiring wartime levels of sacrifice and solidarity.

Most prominent public health bodies, including the WHO, CDC, and NIAID, had explicitly acknowledged before Covid that these were not effective pandemic response measures.

The most brilliant and insidious aspect of this "War on Covid" campaign was that vast swaths of the public, and of the public health and medical professions, became unwitting enforcers of the biodefense agenda - against the best interests of themselves, their loved ones, their communities, and their professional and ethical integrity.

Note how biodefense and pandemic planning have collapsed into "Global health security" and note the participants in developing and implementing this strategy - all the components of the biodefense GPPP. Over the last 3 years, we have more than doubled our global health partnerships-working directly with 50 countries to ensure they can more effectively prevent, detect, and control outbreaks.

With strong bipartisan support from Congress, we also championed the creation of the Pandemic Fund, a new international body that has already catalyzed $2 billion in financing from 27 contributors, including countries, foundations, and philanthropies, to build stronger global health security capabilities.

Convince as many people as possible to resist its edicts the next time it declares a "Global health emergency." 

If you haven’t yet, you can read Part 1 of this article here.

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