Sunday, September 15, 2024

Ben Bergquam of Real America’s Voice Exposes Cartel Trails, Water Stations Set Up By the Left to Assist Illegal Crossings

Real America’s Voice reporter and host of “Law and Border” Ben Bergquam was at the Southern Border this past week to expose the trails the cartels use to smuggle in illegal aliens and drugs.

To make matters worse, leftist organizations leave water stations to facilitate these illegal operations.

There are massive yards like this all along our southern border.

Earlier this past week, Ben Bergquam posted a video of his visit to a “border wall graveyard” in New Mexico.

“Drug traffickers right there, coming into America.

He showed massive amounts of border wall material that was left unused and was abandoned in the desert.

The Biden/Harris regime stopped expanding the border wall as soon as they came into power. 

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