Saturday, September 14, 2024

Grocery Rationing within Four Years

There is likely another wave of inflation coming. This time it will meet with a promise to use every coercive power of government to prevent increases in prices on groceries and rents.

There is a lack of public comment and debate about Kamala Harris’s call for price controls on groceries and rents, the most stunning and frightening policy proposal made in my lifetime.

Price controls lead to shortages of anything they touch, especially in inflationary times.

Immediately, of course, people will reply that she is not for price controls as such.

That will only lead to a pretext for more subsidies, more public housing, and more government provision generally.

With the Federal Reserve seemingly on the verge of cutting rates for no good reason – rates are very low in real terms by any historical standard – we might see wave two of inflation later next year.

The more the betting odds favor Kamala, the stronger the incentive to raise prices as high as possible now in anticipation of price controls come next year.

It is only a limit on “gouging” (which she variously calls “gauging”) on grocery prices.

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