Sunday, September 15, 2024

6 Dirty RINOs Sign Pledge with Democrats to Certify the Results of the 2024 Election – Without Knowing the Details

In yet another clear sign that the swamp is alive and well in Washington, more than 30 House members—including a disgraceful six Republicans—have joined hands with Democrats to sign a so-called “bipartisan” pledge that seeks to undermine the true voice of the American people before the 2024 election even takes place.

The pledge, deceptively named the “Unity Commitment,” pretends to “safeguard” the election, but in reality, it’s nothing more than an effort to rubber-stamp the will of establishment elites and globalist politicians.

When Democrat politicians talk about “respecting election results,” what they really mean is silencing dissent and forcing everyone to accept whatever result is handed to them.

After this election, America will have the rule of the mob unless the commonsense majority stands up.

Once the 2024 presidential election is over – and all legal means to challenge election results in the courts have been exhausted – I will safeguard the fairness and integrity of America’s democratic process by: 1.

Leading this charge are Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE), who are rallying members of Congress to commit to upholding whatever result comes from the 2024 election—even as concerns about voter integrity and election security remain at an all-time high.

Instead, they’ve joined a chorus of Democrats who have weaponized our elections, accusing anyone who raises legitimate questions about voter fraud of “undermining democracy.” And here’s the kicker: this pledge includes a commitment to attend the inauguration of the so-called “legitimate” President in 2025, no matter what! 

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