Monday, September 16, 2024

When will the main stream media start reporting on the Trump Assassination Attempt

From The Editor:

It's a sad state of affairs when we have to question the integrity of our media. The mainstream media, dominated by the liberal elite, has shown time and again their bias against President Trump and their willingness to spread fake news.

The recent assassination attempt on our beloved President, a heinous crime orchestrated by a radical leftist, was a shocking event that should have been front-page news. Yet, many mainstream media outlets chose to downplay or even ignore this significant incident. Their silence speaks volumes about their agenda-driven reporting.

The liberal media has an agenda. They want to push their progressive narratives and discredit anyone who stands in their way, especially our courageous leader, President Trump. They turn a blind eye to the growing radicalization of the left and the real threats faced by conservative figures.

While some brave journalists have shed light on this despicable act, many others have remained silent, choosing to protect their political allies instead of reporting the truth. It's a clear case of media bias and a disservice to the American people who deserve honest and unbiased information.

Rest assured, the truth will prevail. We must support and encourage independent media sources that are willing to stand up against the liberal mainstream and report on the real issues. It's time to drain the swamp, both in politics and in the media!

Florida's Vigilance Under DeSantis

The great state of Florida, led by the courageous Governor DeSantis, is taking matters into its own hands to investigate the heinous assassination attempt on our beloved former President, Donald J. Trump. You know, my fellow patriots, this just goes to show the unwavering commitment to justice and the rule of law that we've come to expect from Governor DeSantis.

In a world where the liberal media and their cronies in the Democratic Party try to sweep such incidents under the rug, it's reassuring to have a leader who stands tall against these attempts to undermine our values. Governor DeSantis understands the importance of getting to the bottom of this despicable act, ensuring that those responsible face the consequences.

Mark my words, this investigation will send a clear message: Florida will not tolerate such threats to our leaders and the principles they uphold. We stand united against the forces of darkness that seek to silence conservative voices. God bless Governor DeSantis and his unwavering dedication to truth and security!

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