Sunday, September 15, 2024

Japan Declares Pharma Execs ‘Enemies of the State’ for Role in mRNA ‘Massacre’

Covid cartel criminals must be charged with crimes against humanity according to leading Japanese medical scientists who have gone on record describing the vaccines as “poison” and the global rollout as a “modern-day massacre.” The global elite and Big Pharma are in full panic mode, terrified of what the Japanese investigations are uncovering.

We won’t let them gaslight the public any longer.

They’re pulling out all the stops to discredit the findings, including enforcing a total media blackout on any news coming out of Japan.

The Florida Department of Health issued a bulletin Thursday, updating its Covid-19 mRNA vaccine guidance and announcing that the State Surgeon General now advises against anybody using the mRNA vaccines in any situation.

The professor didn’t mince his words, declaring the mRNA vaccines to be “poison” and the global rollout to be a modern-day “massacre” perpetrated by criminals.

Japanese Health Minister Keizō Takemi shifted from echoing Big Pharma’s claim that the mRNA vaccine is “safe and effective” to a much more cautious stance, saying, “we would like to refrain from commenting…” Investigators in Japan are digging deep to uncover just how far Big Pharma’s influence reaches.

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