Saturday, September 14, 2024

Ex-CIA Officer Sentenced to 10 Years for Spying for China.

A former CIA officer, Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, has been sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for espionage.

Ma, 71, was found guilty of conspiring to provide classified information to Chinese intelligence officials.

The sentencing marks the latest development in a series of high-profile investigations, arrests, and trials involving Chinese espionage plots in the United States.

Ma had entered a guilty plea in May.

The court in Honolulu concluded that the former officer engaged in the illegal exchange of sensitive materials in lieu of financial compensation.

Additionally, the plea agreement mandates Ma to cooperate with U.S. authorities throughout his life.

According to Ma’s plea agreement, he and a relative, who also had a history with the CIA, orchestrated meetings in Hong Kong with Chinese security officers. 

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