Saturday, September 14, 2024

Maryland abortion clinic tells caller she can murder unborn child at 34 weeks (8.5 months): “A needle is inserted through the (baby’s) abdomen and into the fetal heart”

Maryland abortion clinic tells caller she can murder unborn child at 34 weeks (8.5 months): “A needle is inserted through the (baby’s) abdomen and into the fetal heart” Watch the video below to see for yourself as the abortion clinic confirms the made-up story of the caller about how she is on the verge of giving birth but wants to terminate her baby's life because she is "in a pretty desperate situation."

"My boyfriend is kind of out of the picture now so I don't really have any support," the caller tells the abortion clinician.

SHOCK VIDEO: Young woman called a late-term abortion clinic in Maryland  asking for an ab*rtion at 34 weeks.

"An abortion at any stage is actually much safer than delivering a term pregnancy," the clinician quickly and deceptively responds, affirming to the caller, who says she is 34 weeks, or 8.5 months, along in her pregnancy, that Maryland's CARE Clinics, in this case the location in Bethesda, performs late-term abortions right up to the point of birth.

"It's a four-to-five-day procedure," the clinician continued.

A needle is inserted through the abdomen and into the fetal heart where lidocaine is injected.

The gruesome conversation continues from there with the clinician revealing that the next step in the murder process is to "inject a medication called digoxin and another medication called KCL into the fetal heart which will slow and then stop the fetal heartbeat." 

(Related: Earlier this year, Planned Parenthood was caught performing secret abortions on young teens "so the parents won't find out.")

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