Saturday, September 14, 2024

Hunter Biden’s Business Buddy Jumps Ship & Joins MAGA?

Hunter Biden’s former business associate, best friend, and frequent Capitol Hill hearing witness, Devon Archer, has stepped across the partisan aisle to support former President Donald J. Trump in November’s election.

Archer has previously testified Hunter Biden would put his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on the phone during business meetings with some regularity, and there is suspicion the elder Biden used his political influence to protect his son’s business interests in Ukraine.

Despite Archer and others’ testimony, the review of thousands of documents, and the release of a final impeachment inquiry report in August, the House of Representatives has yet to formally move against Joe Biden, who they accuse of being at the center of the Biden family’s corrupt business dealings.

Over the past two years, Archer has appeared before several House of Representatives committees during a Congressional investigation into the Biden family’s business interests.

Formerly a close friend of Hunter Biden, both men played critical roles in Burisma’s Ukrainian energy business and served on the company’s board.

Hunter, at the time, was still serving on Burisma’s board, and the move raised additional concerns about compliance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

Additionally, a trove of documents supplied by Archer revealed the Federal Bureau of Investigation was aware in 2016 of Hunter Biden and his associates’ intentions to establish a new business venture in Liechtenstein.

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