Sunday, September 15, 2024

La Nina "Favored To Emerge In September-November" & "Persist Through January-March 2025"

The National Weather Service's Climate Prediction Center wrote on X this past week that the probability of a La Nina weather pattern now stands at 71% and "is expected to persist through January-March 2025," adding, a "La Nina watch remains in effect."

La Nina odds are currently higher, yet CPC expects the weather phenomenon to be "weak."

La Nina patterns occur when sea-surface temperatures along the equator in the Pacific Ocean cool.

On the balance of recent trends and guidance, and considering the increasing frequency of La Niña in recent decades, I continue to think that La Niña 2024-25 has room to develop into a formidable event...

Due to the movement of the jet stream, areas of the southern US record less precipitation than normal during La Nina patterns.

Ben Noll, a meteorologist with New Zealand's National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, provided more color about the La Nina weather pattern on X: The ocean has taken some significant strides toward La Niña thresholds in recent weeks.

Here are the typical La Nina impacts across the Lower 48: Meteorologist Noll provided a new update on forecasted snowfall anomalies across the Lower 48.

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