Thursday, September 12, 2024

Remaking America

The Olympics ended in August, but Congress has returned to Washington for a three week sprint (I’m sorry.

Congress is engaging in its annual tradition of generally not having a plan for the government funding deadline that they’ve known about all year – except this time, there is sort of a plan! As discussed last week, House Speaker Mike Johnson is aligning himself with conservatives to push a short-term Continuing Resolution into early next year, combined with the SAVE Act to require proof of citizenship before voting.

No one particularly wants a shutdown, but fights like these take a steely nerve and are only settled by who blinks first. House Republicans have a compelling case for inclusion of the SAVE Act. As Sen. Mike Lee told The Blaze, “If progressives really want so badly to have noncitizens voting then they’re going to have to say so.”

“Our country is being torn apart – from dangerous fentanyl to lawless criminals, from known terrorists to death and abuse of migrants, from massive financial costs to fundamental re-making of American society including non-citizen voters,” Rep. Roy told the Daily Caller News Foundation in a statement.

More than 8.5 million illegal migrants crossed the U.S.-Mexico border since Biden entered office, surpassing the population of 37 states, with at least 5.6 million of them released into the country; 

A record-breaking 169 known or suspected terrorists were arrested in the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2023, with at least 99 illegal migrants on the terror watchlist having been released into the U.S. between fiscal years 2021 and 2023; 

Fentanyl poisonings killed 75,000 Americans in 2023, averaging 200 deaths a day.

“Our country is being torn apart – from dangerous fentanyl to lawless criminals, from known terrorists to death and abuse of migrants, from massive financial costs to fundamental re-making of American society including non-citizen voters,” Rep. Roy told the Daily Caller News Foundation in a statement. “It’s purposeful – and the damage is far reaching. Every journalist, politician, and American should read this report and seethe with rage.”

The Latest From Around The Conservative Movement

One More Thing..

The Center for Renewing America is out with a teaser for a forthcoming documentary called Fearless At The Point of Attack: The Jeff Clark Story. Watch it here.

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