Friday, September 13, 2024

‘New Way Forward’ – Kamala’s Plans to Defund ICE, Hand Citizenship to 11 Million+ Illegals.

During her run for the Democratic Party’s 2020 nomination, Kamala Harris told the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that she is committed to many far-left policies.

In addition to supporting taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for illegal aliens in prison, raised by Donald Trump during the recent presidential debate, she also backed massive cutbacks to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) funding, an end to ICE detainers, and citizenship for 11 million illegals.

“Throughout my career, I have made it clear that law enforcement should use their time and resources to keep communities safe, not act as federal immigration agents,” she wrote on an ACLU questionnaire, which asked if she would “commit to ending the use of ICE detainers,” in 2019.

She boasted that, as California‘s Attorney General, she “issued a bulletin on December 4, 2012, informing all California law enforcement that they did not have to comply with ICE detainers”—a sanctuary measure that results in foreign criminal suspects and convicts wanted by ICE being released among the public after leaving jail or prison, instead of being handed over for deportation.

Harris further committed to making ICE “end the use of detainers” generally as President.

In addition to removing ICE’s detainer powers, Harris told the ACLU she would starve the agency of resources, boasting: “I was one of the first Senators after President Trump was elected to advocate for a decrease in funding to ICE.” Referring to legislation she introduced to Congress as a Senator, she added, “As President, I will fight to pass my DONE (Detention Oversight Not Expansion) Act into law which would increase oversight of Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facilities, slash detention by at least 50 percent, and halt funding for the construction or expansion of new facilities.” She also said she would “close private immigration detention centers” and “fight to pass immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million plus” illegal aliens “living in our communities and contributing to our economy.” She reiterated this promise in several places throughout the questionnaire, stressing: “I will prioritize immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million plus” illegal aliens in America.

Other policy commitments included making Washington, D.C., a state, using presidential pardon and clemency powers to free drug convicts, and giving the vote to convicted felons: “Restoring voting rights for every American who has completed their prison sentence will be my priority as President,” she wrote.

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