Thursday, September 12, 2024

If You Want Haitians Eating Cats And Decapitating Ducks In Your Town, Vote For Harris

Residents of Springfield, Ohio, a town of about 60,000 people, have been complaining recently about the influx of some 20,000 Haitian immigrants over the past three years, which has transformed their community in profound and disturbing ways. Some have claimed the Haitians are stealing people’s cats and dogs and slaughtering them to eat. Others have said they’re grabbing ducks and geese from the local park and decapitating them.

These are real problems, not racist memes. But why are so many Haitians here in the U.S. to begin with? Because the Biden-Harris administration let them in. Many Haitians were let in through a policy that allowed those arrested after crossing the border illegally to be paroled into the country. “Paroled into the country” is just a jargon-y way of saying they were released from federal custody on their own recognizance, free to go wherever they want in the U.S.

If you were confused on Monday by the sudden proliferation of social media memes featuring AI-generated images of Donald Trump surrounded by kittens and ducks, or saving them from Haitians mobs, let me explain.

Residents of Springfield, Ohio, a town of about 60,000 people, have been complaining recently about the influx of some 20,000 Haitian immigrants over the past three years, which has transformed their community in profound and disturbing ways.

In other words, TPS is temporary in name only. Under successive administrations, both Republican and Democrat, it has become a permanent entitlement. During his term in office, Trump tried to end TPS for various groups, like the 200,000 Salvadorans who’d been granted TPS status for an earthquake that happened in 2001. But Trump’s efforts were delayed, first by bureaucrats within his own Department of Homeland Security and then by activists and the courts until Biden came into office and restored it. That means the 300,000 Haitians that Biden-Harris granted TPS are here to stay, barring the total dissolution of TPS under a future Trump administration. 

Under the Biden-Harris administration, it has expanded dramatically. 

But to do that, to insist upon it, requires a culture confidence and a desire to preserve the nation that our managerial leadership class simply does not possess. What’s more, our leaders actively seek out the dissolution of the nation, the American people as such, so that they might rule over a heterogeneous mass of atomized and powerless individuals with no customs, no shared affinities or loyalties or history, and no future except to be ruled by their betters.

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