Friday, September 13, 2024

Global Convergence and the Coronavirus Trigger

In Part 1, I will explain the convergence of global developments that led to Covid being predictable, if not inevitable.

Stay Informed with Brownstone Institute Name * First name First Last name Last Email * Email 1 Subscribe Concomitant Rise of War on Bioterror and Unchecked Global Corporatism When the Cold War ended in the early 1990s, it was quickly replaced by the "War on Terror" as the income-generating, self-perpetuating-and-expanding mechanism for the US military-industrial complex.

Rise of the Biodefense/Pandemic Preparedness Global Public-Private Partnership To understand how the biodefense/pandemic preparedness GPPP coalesced, it is necessary to first look at the fields of biodefense and pandemic preparedness separately, and then at how they came to be yoked together into one rapidly metastasizing cartel - first as part of the US security state, and then as an arm of the global governance structure dedicated to "Global health security." When Biodefense and Pandemic Preparedness Were Separate Before the Anthrax attacks of 2001, the field of biodefense was mostly the purview of intelligence and military specialists.

Biodefense/Pandemic Preparedness on a Global Scale As discussed above, while all this merging of military and civilian research on bugs and drugs was happening on a national level, capital and political power were shifting away from nation-states and into global public-private partnerships, or GPPPs.

All of these gargantuan global entities share the following characteristics: Their backbone is the global banking system, whose interests they represent.

These pursuits are marketed to the public not just as altruistic and life-saving, but as the only way to avoid complete global devastation.

Their ability to convince the world's population to support their agendas derives from the global censorship and propaganda industrial complex - run through international intelligence alliances, partnering with marketing firms, academic institutions, and nonprofits - using "Nudge" methods and the psychological warfare playbook originally designed for coups and counterinsurgencies.

We can also see how the national biodefense complex scales up and merges with the global entity: The Biodefense GPPP Prepares for an Inevitable Catastrophe Along with the backing of the international banks and the support of the censorship and propaganda industrial complex and multinational consulting firms, all of the components of the biodefense GPPP represent hundreds of billions of dollars in funding and financing, thousands of national and international companies, agencies, academic institutions, and NGOs in dozens of countries, and hundreds of thousands - if not millions - of jobs all over the world.

The content of each exercise was less important than the overarching message: naturally emerging and engineered pathogens posed an existential threat to humanity, and nothing less than a global response would be necessary to avoid armageddon.

Creating a New Business Model for Countermeasures The most important component of a global response to such a catastrophe, in terms of accruing power and resources for the biodefense GPPP, is the manufacture and distribution of countermeasures to the entire global population, an effort spearheaded by pharmaceutical companies and their hundreds of subcontractors and subsidiaries.

The liability shield is extended by governments and regulatory bodies internationally along with EUA. The Novel Coronavirus Trigger By 2019 all of these preparations for a catastrophic global pandemic were in place, but the civilization-ending pathogen/bioterror attack had not yet materialized.

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