Thursday, September 12, 2024

Appeal Filed for $150 Million J6 Class Action Lawsuit Filed by 78 J6 Protesters Brutally Injured by Capitol Police That Was Earlier Dismissed By a Loophole

The lawsuit was recently DISMISSED because of a technicality exploited by the US Capitol Police defense attorneys.

“Never Surrender,” that’s the motto of the 78 January 6ers who became Plaintiffs in the largest lawsuit against the US Capitol Police in history.

The fight for justice, however,  has been renewed in the face of a shocking dismissal by US District Court Judge Dabney L. Friedrich. The ruling that dismissed the $150 million class-action lawsuit brought by 78 brutally injured January 6 plaintiffs has sparked outrage among Trump supporters and legal experts alike.

But the battle is far from over—Attorney Stefanie Lambert, an advocate for the January 6 patriots, has filed an appeal that promises to reignite the flames of justice.

The lawsuit accused law enforcement of the brutalization and mistreatment of peaceful protesters during the January 6th events— the 20 Capitol and DC Metro police officers were named in this case, accused of using improper and excessive force, engaging in misconduct, and failing to act within the bounds of law enforcement protocol.

The J6 patriots are not just victims—they are fighters who are standing up for the freedoms that this great nation was built on.

But in what can only be described as a miscarriage of justice, Judge Friedrich dismissed this crucial lawsuit on a technicality: a phone number. 

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