Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Blanket Of Darkness Is Falling Over The West

When Musk took over Twitter and exposed the systematic censorship apparatus within the organization, he also revealed that part of the censorship was being carried out at the request of the Biden regime.

He further infuriated the overseas elites that relied on censorship over their own countries in order to suppress views and facts anathema to their ideology.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren demanded that internet social media platforms impose censorship on criticism of presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

Closely related to the topic at hand, Rep. Sean Maloney stated that religious liberty is a "Bogus term" that serves as a "Pretext for discrimination." Apparently taking a page from the UK censorship, Michigan Democrats passed a law that punishes anyone using "Hate speech." Minnesota's and Tim Walz's prosecutor, Keith Ellison, applauded Brazil's censorship of X. He also demanded that Amazon stop selling books from politically incorrect organizations and individuals.

Sen. Hirono wanted censorship of conservative outlets while claiming that there is no censorship of conservatives.

There are many, many more instances of liberals in America demanding censorship in one way or another while giving ample justifications for their desired oppression, whether the subject of contention is electoral fraud, the COVID farce, sexual mutilation, or illegal immigration.

Censorship Democrats Democrats censorship Facebook censorship Featured joe biden Twitter censorship.

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