Thursday, September 19, 2024

Preserve Israel’s Security, Defeat World Government

This week, the UN General Assembly engaged in its latest assault on Israel by calling on the Jewish State to withdraw unilaterally from territories she rightly considers to be essential to her defense. The organization’s Secretary-General, Antonio Guterrez, says he agrees with that vote and will abide by it.

Worse yet, on September 22-23rd, Guterres will be granted expansive new powers to be exercised in the event he decides there is an emergency involving so-called “complex global shocks.” Neither the people of the United States, nor those of Israel nor any other UN member nation have been consulted about transforming the organization into an instrument of world government. But they stand soon to be compelled to submit to Guterres’ dictates.

Israel is likely to be the first to be victimized in connection with its expected defiance of the UN Secretary General and his orders. She will surely not be the last, however, as Americans are clearly in the cross-hairs of Guterres’ power-grab, as well. In the meantime, Israel will need us to have her back if she is to stand up to her enemies – and ours.

If you agree, please sign the Joint Statement here.

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