Thursday, September 19, 2024

New York’s latest test scores show why families are fleeing the public schools

Families fed up with New York’s public schools are fleeing to private academies, charter schools, home-schooling — and other states.

It’s easy to see why the State Education Department stalled on releasing the latest English and math test scores for grades 3-8, and why New Yorkers won’t get the final (whitewashed) results until November: They show fewer than half of all kids statewide scoring grade-level-proficient or better in English; just 52% in math.

All the tests do now is help expose the failure of public schools to educate our kids (especially those in poor and minority neighborhoods) — which is why SED, the Regents and the unions are pushing to ditch standardized testing entirely.

The kids took the multiple-choice tests back in April and May: SED has no excuse for the absurdly long time in releasing even preliminary results; officials’ protest that they’re trying to produce them “as quickly as possible to improve classroom instruction” is total smoke.

And, for those that took the science exam, even worse: just 35%.

Good for them: With state leaders bent on doing nothing but hide the truth while sucking up ever more cash, those parents would be insane to stay.

Instead, Education Commissioner Betty Rosa, Regents Chancellor Lester Young & Co. just push for ever-greater school spending.

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