Thursday, September 19, 2024

Democrats are the abortion radicals — but they’re hiding the gruesome truth

Some truths are too terrible to accept.

America’s polarized political and media landscape allows partisans to exist in their own cloistered worlds, free from facts that might challenge their priors.

But no group is as insulated from reality as pro-choicers, who are invariably sheltered from the disturbing position on late-term abortion taken by its fanatical champions in the Democratic Party.

America’s polarized political and media landscape allows partisans to exist in their own cloistered worlds, free from facts that might challenge their priors.

For them, the ongoing abortion debate is filled with tough decisions and unpalatable compromises.

“Will she allow abortion in the eighth month, ninth month, seventh month?” he wondered aloud.

Ralph Northam’s infamous 2019 comments on a Virginia late-term abortion bill that was then being considered in the state legislature.

Some truths are too terrible to accept.

Pro-life lawmakers must now persuade them — and contend with hard cases that test ideological preferences. 

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