Sunday, July 28, 2024

Japan Launches COVID mRNA Vaccine Taskforce To Investigate 'Crimes Against Humanity'

Japan has officially launched a Covid mRNA taskforce to investigate alleged "Crimes against humanity" perpetrated during the Covid pandemic specifically related to the roll out of experimental mRNA vaccines.

The Japanese people are taking to the streets in their millions to demand justice for victims of the mRNA injections and protest against the World Health Organization agenda to destroy the sovereignty of nations.

Japan understands that apologies are not enough and they are now demanding justice for the crimes against humanity perpetrated by those who knew that the shots were ineffective and extremely dangerous.

The taskforce set up to investigate crimes committed during the pandemic has already garnered enormous public support and inspired doctors to form groups to defy the global elite and protect the health of the nation.

The public in Japan are awake and they are demanding justice for the crimes against humanity.

The newly formed mRNA taskforce is determined to smash the Big Pharma cartel, expose its corrupt beneficiaries, and service justice to those who chose to destroy public health in favor of lining their own pockets.

We are under attack from multiple fronts and Gates and the elite will not stop until we have exposed their crimes to enough people to form a critical mass.

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