Tuesday, July 30, 2024

'Stolen identities': Democrats' billion-dollar fundraising operation now under investigation

ActBlue is the billion-dollar fundraising operation that exists to pay for the Democrats' agenda in America.

Online, it boasts of collecting some $14 billion for Democrats since 2004.

It is the Post-Millennial that explains the attorney general for the state of Virginia is reviewing allegations the Democrat money machine "Has thousands of donations registered under stolen identities and names."

It was commentator and personality Charlie Kirk who said, online, that "It's trivially easy to find massive, repeated donations to ActBlue that use stolen identities and, quite possibly, stolen credit cards."

The report explained the issue arose in Virginia because a 79-year-old resident living in an apartment at $2,000 a month was "Recorded" as having made 22,619 separate donations since 2019.

The report said, "ActBlue has been the subject of multiple investigations from O'Keefe Media Group, where people on fixed incomes have their names attached on thousands of donations to Democrats, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars. ActBlue claims that it is the home of 'small-dollar donors' for those on the left. The donation platform 'is available to Democratic candidates and committees, progressive organizations, and nonprofits that share our values for no cost besides a 3.95 percent processing fee on donations. 


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