Sunday, July 28, 2024

Media's Version of Harris is Unburdened by History

When in 2019 Harris ran for president, she was highly promoted by the media but drew little support and dropped out quickly.

Harris leaped into the presidential race promising to be a "Fighter for the people." Clearly that message was gleaned from focus groups.

Only four of the initial 71 staffers hired by Harris during her first year in office still remain in a job.

At a Democratic presidential debate in Miami in June 2019, then-Sen. Harris was among a number of candidates who affirmed support for both decriminalizing illegal border crossings and also requiring U.S. taxpayers to provide health insurance coverage to illegal border crossers.

"Kamala Harris admits she supports - Raising taxes on 91% of Americans across every income bracket. - A higher business tax rate than socialist Venezuela. - Raising the death tax." She opposed fracking until a day or so ago when the Hill reported an unnamed campaign staffer announced that she no longer supports fracking bans.

Harris "Kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California."

A spokesperson for Harris was quoted in the article saying, "Senator Harris was shocked and troubled by the use of this argument. She looked into it and directed the department's attorneys not to make that argument again."

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