Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Honor among thieves: Biden-Harris Justice Dept. sends $2 million to Strzok, Page

Congratulations, US taxpayers: You get to pay Peter Strzok and Lisa Page $2 million.

The Biden-Harris Justice Department just settled a suit filed by the two ex-employees about supposed privacy violations that publicized their anti-Trump messages in the early phases in the get-Trump "Russian interference" probe.

FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok seated in a suit and tie before testifying at a House Judiciary and Oversight & Government Reform joint hearing FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok seated in a suit and tie before testifying at a House Judiciary and Oversight & Government Reform joint hearing.

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Lisa Page, former FBI legal counsel, leaving after a transcribed interview with the United States House Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill Lisa Page, former FBI legal counsel, leaving after a transcribed interview with the United States House Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill.

The folks now running Justice share those politics, and are taking care of them.

They made McCabe whole pretty quickly; now that Trump looks likely to return the White House, with his picks to clean house at Justice, they've settled a winnable lawsuit to reward Strzok and Page. 


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