Tuesday, July 30, 2024

MSNBC Focus Group With Black Voters on Kamala Harris Doesn't Go as Planned

MSNBC recently spoke to a focus group of black voters on the subject of Trump and Kamala Harris.

The members of the group were asked if any of them knows a black man who is planning to vote for Trump and every hand went up.

Then the journo leading the group asked if Kamala Harris entering the race changes that.

In Wisconsin, swing voters are worried about her involvement in a cover-up regarding the decline of Joe Biden's health.

What else is she willing to hide if she's willing to conceal these developments? CNN spoke to a Georgia voter who shared the same sentiments.

Now, this group of black men were asked if they knew other members of their community who intended to vote for Donald Trump.

MSNBC keeps having these types of moments with voters. 


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