Monday, July 29, 2024

Terrorists Attacks Here Are Inevitable - But Kamala Wants To Make Sure We Don't Hurt Any Jihadists' Feelings

 Every security service on the planet is sounding the alarm regarding the rising threat of terrorist attacks in the West, and the woman who wants to be President thinks we are being too harsh in our use of terminology.

"1. Imminent Threat to U.S. Security: Afghanistan is once again becoming a breeding ground for terrorist activities aimed at the U.S. The violations of the Doha Agreement have led to the resurgence of multiple terror safe havens."

"2. Strengthening Terrorist Alliances: The relationship between the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS-K has deepened. Intermarriages among members of these groups have created a unified and formidable terrorist network, reminiscent of the alliances formed by key terrorist leaders in the past."

"3. Misuse of Humanitarian Aid: It has been confirmed that over $40 million in U.S. humanitarian aid is being funneled weekly to the Taliban-controlled Afghan government and corrupt NGOs with known ties to terrorist leaders."

"4. Re-emergence of Terrorist Training Camps: The Taliban's control has facilitated the establishment of over 20 new terrorist training camps, further entrenching their power and capabilities."

Ahmad Massoud, leader of the National Resistance Front, an armed opposition group to the Taliban, has given a number of interviews recently in which he too has sounded the alarm and specifically highlighted his concern that terrorist attacks inside the United States are imminent.

We continue to receive reports of individuals with known Islamic terrorist links being detained at the southern border.

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