Tuesday, July 30, 2024

House Gives Agencies 5 Days To Show 'Bidenbucks' Docs

On Monday, the Wisconsin Republican who serves as chairman of the Committee on House Administration sent follow-up letters to Biden's attorney general, and secretaries of the departments of Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, and Labor, warning the agency heads his patience is running thin with their failure to turn over documents related to Biden's constitutionally suspect voter registration scheme.

Federal agencies have been particularly bad in releasing records related to Biden's so-called "Promoting Access to Voting" executive order - deploying the executive branch to drive the election and re-election efforts of Democrats.

Documents obtained by the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project and other watchdog organizations unveiled far-left groups working with federal and state agencies in targeted voter registration and mobilization drives to turn out traditionally Democrat voters.

Biden's executive order required federal agencies to come up with a strategic plan outlining how they would implement the voter registration campaign.

Titled, "Know Your Voting Rights: Your Guide to federal Voting Rights Laws," the packet was already available on the agency's website.

The agency reportedly has selected locations across the United States to "Register voters as the Department issued guidance 'to executive directors of more than 3,000 public housing authorities' on 'run[ning] voter registration drives through public housing agencies," Steil wrote.

"Moreover, federal housing officials have advised local agencies on the process of applying to become a voter registration agency, as well as setting up 'drop boxes for ballots on the premises,'" the chairman added.


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