Tuesday, July 30, 2024

So Much for Democracy

As much as they wanted to control things, he knew the affirmative-action-obsessed Democrats could not easily coordinate against her.

While neither party cares that much for voters, this is pretty cynical, an old-school "Smoke-filled room" decision that included no public input.

Already believing much of the law to be so much ideology and propaganda, they had no respect for the law as a system and little compunction about unraveling it to further their utopian vision.

Having accomplished much of what they wanted, they suddenly became "Small c" conservatives when Reagan arrived and their vandalism to the Constitution became unpopular.

The party of democracy removed the president, who won a primary campaign, and installed a replacement candidate, nullifying the votes of millions of primary voters in the process.

The Democrats naturally responded not with grumbling or intellectual argument, nor by imploring voters to vote for change, but instead by encouraging the packing of the court.

We can expect Harris to govern in much the same way, should she win. 


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