Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Google’s latest election interference plot is so over the top, the Senate is now investigating…

We all remember what Big Tech did back in 2020, when they banded together to pull off one of the most egregious cases of election interference by burying the explosive news about Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell.

Just think: How many people might have rethought their vote for Joe Biden if they knew he and his cohorts were lying and purposely dismissing a laptop filled with porn, drugs, and guns as just some “Russian disinformation” plot?

Join the fight and contribute to our war chest.

Ted Cruz wasn’t the only one to spot this election interference.

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President Trump’s eldest son, Don Jr., is also sounding the alarm about this latest attempt by Big Tech to interfere in the election.

Senator Ted Cruz was among the first to call out this new interference, revealing how Google has altered search results to exclude any mention of the assassination attempt against President Trump.


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