Monday, July 29, 2024

America's Lab Rats?

Millions feel they are virtual lab rats in some grand research project conducted by entitled elites who could care less when the experiment blows up.

Almost overnight, every American household became a consumer of cellular phones and cameras, laptop computers, social media, and Google searches.

Urban bicoastal America created an ethos and an accompanying narrative that it was blessed, rich, and all-knowing because it had been rightfully rewarded for supposedly being innately smarter, better credentialed, more worldly and-given its wealth-more moral than the losers who fell behind.

Their targets were the relics of a vanishing America who did quirky things like salute the flag, go to church, believe there were still only two sexes, honor America as always far better than the alternative, and believe they were the muscles that kept the nation fed, fueled, and housed for one more day.

The chief characteristic of the 21st century American revolution's vast recalibrations in wealth was not just the transition from the muscular to the supposedly cerebral, but from right to left.

The arrivals' abject poverty would remind the bigoted American middle classes of the need to expand their welfare state-as if a lifelong victim of the institutional oppression of Oaxaca, Mexico became a legitimate victim of white capitalist America the very moment he set foot across a now mythical border.

At some Ivy League schools and their kindred elite campuses, grades are "Adjusted" to ensure 60-80 percent are A's. Almost everything in revolutionary America has "Evolved" beyond silly notions like "Meritocracy" and "Standards" and has instead become DEI hot-wired-from the hiring and promotion of airline pilots, selection of actors, management of the Secret Service, and the rank and file of FBI and CIA operatives to admissions to medical school, corporate boardrooms, and advertising.

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