Tuesday, July 30, 2024

ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to Reject the Extreme Biden-Harris Supreme Court Proposal


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are making unconstitutional demands for more senior (conservative) Supreme Court justices to step aside, ignoring our Constitution's lifetime tenure guarantee that ensures judicial independence.

On top of that, our corrupt President is demanding an illegal 'ethics' regime to use bogus pretexts, like patriotic flag-flying by a conservative justice's wife, to selectively disqualify Supreme Court justices in his way.

Biden politicized and weaponized his Justice Department to destroy his political opponent—and now wants to destroy the Supreme Court who stopped him. Kamala Harris aided and abetted him every step of the way.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are beholden to the radical leftwing elements of their party. Their alleged 'reforms' are one giant step toward their ultimate goal of packing the Supreme Court to guarantee decisions favorable to Democrats.

The Biden-Harris proposed radical assault on judicial independence is the gravest threat imaginable to our Republic. Biden and Harris are now plotting to destroy another branch of government simply because it is in their way.

Tell your representatives in Congress to reject these unconstitutional reforms to the Supreme Court.


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