Monday, July 29, 2024

How Will New York's Energy Madness End? The "Don't Do It!" Report

 I frequently write about how the mandates for energy transition that New York has adopted are impossible and irreconcilable in the real world; and therefore it is inevitable that they will have to be abandoned at some point when implementation of the project runs up against physical reality.

Caiazza is a retired air pollution meteorologist who has a blog called the Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York, where he writes prolifically about New York's impending energy disaster.

Daughter Jane - known to readers here as a frequent contributor - has set up a group called New Yorkers for Affordable Reliable Energy to organize grass-roots opposition to complying with the heat conversion mandate.

I recommend the Report to readers who are at all interested in the depths of ignorance and incompetence of the New York legislators and regulators who are pushing the impossible "Energy transition." It's only about 15 pages long, with a good Introduction and Executive Summary at the beginning that capture the gist.

The Net Zero transition is by far the largest, most expensive and ambitious government-directed project ever undertaken in New York.

The purpose is to advise New York residents, particularly co-op and condo owners and their Boards who are subject to LL 97, on how they should respond to the statutory mandates.

So to get back to the initial question of how New York's energy madness will end: An alternative to just waiting for the blackouts to come will be for a critical mass of New Yorkers in the cross-hairs of the mandates to refuse to comply and to demand that the mandates be rescinded.

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