Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Climate Scientists Dishonestly Cherry-Pick Wildfires to Push a Climate Crisis!

 So unsurprisingly Swain falsely pontificates, "Recent work points toward anthropogenic climate change rapidly altering Western United States fire regimes to produce overall more extreme wildfires."

To push the climate crisis-wildfire connection, dishonest scientists cherry-pick wildfires in California and western USA as proof of a climate crisis.

People outside the western USA,, are surprised to learn that hardly any rain falls during the summer in California's Mediterranean climate resulting in natural dryness that supports more fires.

Additionally dishonest scientists falsely push climate change by ignoring the relationship between naturally dry climates and fire prone vegetation.

Forested areas experience fewer wildfires and are often driven by dead grasses and shrubs that provide a path for fires into the forest floor and provide a source of sufficient heat for ignition.

The increased temperatures of just 2.7F from climate change makes no difference regards a grass fire's ability to ignite brush and debris on the forest floor.

What is rarely pointed out by alarmists fixated on attributing large fires to climate change, the western US has increased the biomass of highly flammable invasive annual grasses.


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