Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Your Elections Are Not Transparent in South Carolina

The SC State Election Commission is currently trying to punish a group of South Carolina citizens for asking for records of the 2020 election.

Upon dismissal of the suit, the SC State Election Commission filed a motion to reconsider the counterclaim against the SC Safe Elections group and its associates to bar us from ever being able to request any records via the Freedom of Information Act from the state of SC or its counties regarding the 2020 election and to pay their legal fees!!!! On August 5th, SC Circuit Judge Coble, will hear their motion for reconsideration for this counterclaim.

While we disagreed with the thrid judge's decision to dismiss our case, and after spending in excess of $80,000 which we crowdfunded, we certainly don't believe that the defendants, the SC State Election Commission, should come after us for simply trying to get vital information for the 2020 election.

We are told to trust our election officials but one county election director who also happened to be the President of the SC Association of Registration and Election Officials was just indicted for Social Security fraud.

To summarize, we are told to just trust the entire ecosystem while being denied access to key election records available to citizens in other states like OH, GA and TX, while being harassed and punished for asking questions.

Our goal at SC Safe Elections is to enhance the confidence our citizens have in their elections, at a time when this is at an all-time low in our country.

In order to do that we need a transparent system and election officials willing to work with us to enhance and improve that system through robust standard operating procedures and processes. 


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