Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Believe Nothing About Biden's 'Resignation'

At this point, after well more than a decade of these people shilling for patently false and repugnantly corrupt narratives, from keeping your doctor under Obamacare to Coptic Christian anti-Muhammad videos causing the Benghazi fiasco to Charlottesville to Russia collusion to COVID lockdowns to George Floyd to "Russian disinformation" over Hunter's laptop to "Insurrection" to Biden being "Sharp" and "On his game," if you believe anything these people say without immediately available concrete proof, you're a fool.

All we've been given is a letter supposedly written by Biden but only equipped with a digital signature and not on presidential letterhead, which was released on Biden's X account that everyone knows he isn't in charge of.

So are to we believe that Joe Biden is dead? Is he convalescing in Rehoboth Beach? Will he recover? Will we have to wait days or weeks before he's able to make a public statement? Are we able to know his mind vis a vis the 2024 race? Is he able to know his mind on that issue or any other?

I outlined a scenario in which Harris, if she were to show her political chops, could engineer a coup d'etat on Biden with the help of the Cabinet via the 25th Amendment and thus force his resignation.

What role did Barack Obama, who has yet to endorse Harris, play in ushering Biden out? What role have George and Alex Soros played? Nancy Pelosi? Chuck Schumer? Hakeem Jeffries?

Joe Biden didn't do the "Patriotic" thing on Sunday even if Sunday was his doing.

Not until Joe Biden either faces the nation and explains himself, or - what should have already been done - resigns the presidency and admits he's been unfit for the job for some time. 


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