Sunday, July 28, 2024

GOP-led House fails to pass appropriations bills before August recess, breaking promises to voters

The GOP-led House canceled votes ahead of the August recess without getting the 12 appropriations bills passed, breaking a promise to voters.

Last October, House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., sent a letter to his colleagues that stated that the House would not break for recess in August "Unless all 12 appropriations bills have passed the House," according to Fox 40.

The House has only passed five of 12 appropriations for fiscal year 2025, which increases the likelihood of Congress passing another temporary Continuing Resolution to keep the government funded.

Instead, House Republicans canceled votes for next week and are expected to return for work in early September. They were supposed to be in session until August 1.

Federal appropriations expire on September 30. The House has only passed five of 12 appropriations for fiscal year 2025, which increases the likelihood of Congress passing another temporary Continuing Resolution to keep the government funded.

Congressman Steve Scalise told The Hill, "When you have a situation where the Democrats all vote no on every appropriations bill, you eventually hit a wall because, you know, we have a few of our own members that vote against some of these bills." The last vote the House took before recess on Thursday was on a resolution denouncing Vice President Kamala Harris' performance as the Biden administration's "Border czar." Six Democrats joined all Republicans in voting for the measure, which passed 220-196.

"Republicans are fortunate that voters don't pay close attention to the inner workings of the House - they are arguably not a majority party at all, given that they've needed to pass major legislation earlier this year on suspension of the rules, meaning that they need two-thirds majorities to pass things," Kondik continued. 

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