Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Sidney Powell is right about the Venezuela angle in our election

By the time you read this, Sidney Powell may have released her Kraken on America in the form of a filing about election events in Georgia.

Until then there is a healthy debate about whether Powell can make the case that Dominion and Smartmatic, both of which played a role in the disputed states, have Venezuela ties that prove their connection to American fraud.

There's lots of money in Venezuela, which means it has the means to set up highly sophisticated election fraud systems.

In 2003, Venezuelan citizens signed a petition demanding that Hugo Chavez subject himself to a recall election.

Smartmatic has been trailing, ghostlike, around the world, wherever socialism and corrupt elections can be found.

The same email said that, through its subsidiary, Sequoia, Smartmatic was moving into U.S. elections.

Coomer is an active participant in something called the IEEE common data format for election systems. 

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