Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Hands Off Operation Warp Speed

Joe Biden is fearmongering that "More people may die" because the Trump administration hasn't begun transitioning oversight over the COVID-19 vaccines to the Biden team.

Dr. Moncef Slaoui, head of Operation Warp Speed, predicts 20 million doses will be shipped out on Dec. 11 and 12, and immediately administered to health care workers and other high-risk populations, including the elderly, in all 50 states.

God help us if they interfere with Operation Warp Speed.

One of Biden's COVID-19 advisers, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, slams "Vaccine nationalism," calling it unethical that the rich countries developing vaccines get first dibs.

Dr. Celine Gounder, a New York University global health professor and Biden adviser, says Operation Warp Speed needs to be overhauled to put more emphasis on things other than vaccines, including testing and "Providing political backing" to local governments to "Support things that might be unpopular." Translation: shutdowns.

Though the Trump administration conceived and launched Operation Warp Speed, Slaoui explains that the vaccine rollout has been done totally "Isolated from the administration, from the political environment and political context." He added "No political interference, no bureaucracy, no red tape." He hopes that will continue after the Jan. 20 inauguration.

Responding to Biden's demagoguery about the transition delay costing lives, HHS Secretary Alex Azar reassured the nation on Sunday that "The career people" from the Defense Department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention running Operation Warp Speed on Jan. 19 are going to be the same people on Jan. 21. 

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