Friday, November 27, 2020

Election Justice for America and the Watching World

The legal procedures for declaring the winner of a presidential election in the United States of America are still in process.

The following eight key fundamentals outline the path to achieving justice in any society, including determining the just outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

Accountability: Designated lawmakers and law-keepers are supposed to help guide people and navigate the processes involved in achieving justice.

Due Process: One distinct feature that has helped make America a beacon of hope and opportunity is the institution of due process as the design method for achieving just results in any circumstance.

Departure from legal due process commonly hinders justice.

For the unscrupulous determined to win at all costs, appealing to honest adherence to the fundamentals of society and justice will probably fall on deaf ears.

For those truly seeking justice in this or any future American election, a clear path exists that follows the Constitution, honors the rights and privileges of all Americans, and shines forth an encouraging light that reveals how a more perfect union seeks to establish justice and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. 

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