Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Rest 2


This is another item that a Biden presidency raises serious concerns for every American. Quote: ''Now that Joe Biden’s COVID policies are being unmasked, those who voted for him may be coming down with bad cases of buyer’s remorse. It has been hard to pin down exactly what prospective President Biden would do about the pandemic given the chance. Back in August, he said he would “shut the country down” if coronavirus cases resurged. Then in September, Biden backtracked, saying, “There’s going to be no need, in my view, to be able to shut down the whole economy.” Now he has settled on the talking point that he will “follow the science,” which is a non-answer because science can diagnose the problem but cannot determine the details of public policy. Setting and implementing policy requires less following and more leading. Biden’s choice of coronavirus advisers focuses more light on what the country could expect should the former vice president enter the Oval Office. For example, Dr. Michael Osterholm believes that a four-to six-week hard lockdown could get the virus under control. He said that the government could easily “pay people to lose their jobs” by leveraging the increased savings that Americans have scrimped together during the crisis, and that we could “bring back the economy” by the second quarter of 2021. Yes, Osterholm’s plan is to force the country into another recession, then loot personal savings to pay our way out of it, amassing trillions of dollars of government debt in the process. And those who remember the slogan “two weeks to flatten the curve” should be highly skeptical of Osterholm’s four-to six-week lockdown timeline."   We have already tried that and it was a total disaster. Doing it again would be akin to committing suicide.

While the politically biased left wing media yells false invectives at Trump they praise incompetent NY Governor Cuomo for what? I don't know... Anyway people in his very own state are starting to rebel at is dictatorial overreach. Quote: "A U.S. military veteran and gym owner in New York ripped up a $15,000 lockdown fine from the Erie County Health Department during a live Fox News appearance on Tuesday. Robby Dinero, owner of Orchard Park’s Athletes Unleashed gym, was hit with the massive fine following a confrontation with a health department official and Erie County sheriffs on Friday for holding an after-hours protest in his closed gym with other business owners. The confrontation, reported by The Daily Wire, ended with the government officials being ushered off the gym owner’s property. Speaking with Fox News’ Sandra Smith, Dinero argued that the lockdown edicts go too far, denying Americans the freedom to earn a living. Simultaneously, the veteran underscored, NY Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz are bringing in $225,000 and $103,000 salaries, respectively, via taxpayers. Dinero challenged the New York officials to look their constituents’ children in the eyes and tell them their parents’ work is not “essential.” Before signing off with Smith, the businessman took the $15,000 fine and ripped it up, as supporters gathered behind him chanted “We will not comply” and waved American flags. Erie County Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw posted a link to a GoFundMe account for Dinero to Twitter on Tuesday."

More about the incompetent and irresponsible NY Governor Andrew Coumo. If you do not think he is either of those two items, consider his disrespectful words for the police who say they will not enforce his dictatorial Thanksgiving demands he unilaterally imposed on NY citizens. His arrogance is only exceeded by his completely outsized ego.  Kind of reminds me of Obama but he is not nearly as good at pulling off his nonsense as was the former president. 

You know that Andrew Cuomo is a complete idiot if the Supreme Court even has to tell him that his dictatorial rules are unconstitutional.

More evidence that our left wing progressive Democrat betters are little more than self righteous hypocrites with outsized egos. Do as I say not as I do is their endless mantra.   Their dictatorial rules are for we the little people, not for themselves... that is exactly who and what they are. Fits perfectly within the socialist/communist government model.

I hope this makes the citizens of Seattle happy. Their left wing elected leaders have substantially cut funding for their police force. So much for their prime responsibility to serve the interests of the people in their community and that includes protecting their well being and property. But far too often left wing denizens are more interested in imposing their self-righteous will over the people they are suppose serve and protect. It is proof positive that left wing idiots do idiot things. Their constituents will suffer the consequences. It will be just a matter of time before things get really bad for innocent citizens of Seattle their civic leadership has willingly forsaken. Quote: "The Seattle City Council voted on Monday to cut the Seattle Police Department’s budget, as many cops leave the force as a result of all the hostilities pointed at them from local leadership. The city council held a vote to defund the police, which was passed 8-1. This measure will slash the budget by 18 percent. Granted, radical activists wanted to see the budget cut by 50 percent, but this is still a devastating number. Such a move will leave many vacant jobs on the force unfilled and require 911 dispatchers and parking enforcement to be moved outside of SPD jurisdiction. As of Oct. 31, 134 officers have left the force, according to the mayor’s office. In October alone, 23 have thrown in the towel. Here is what a police spokesman had to say: "The president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, Mike Solan, wasn’t quite as excited about the vote, referring to the council as “naive” and warned that the response to calls coming in to 911 would take longer to respond to. “You’re going to see crime rise, we’re already seeing increased homicide rates that we haven’t seen in decades,” Solan stated. Can you really blame cops for leaving? They clearly know they aren’t appreciated and are hated by large segments of the population. Cops in Seattle also know that if something goes sideways, they won’t be able to count on city officials to have their back. What’s ironic is that minority neighborhoods are the ones going to be hurt the most by the lack of police presence on the streets."    What a bunch of left wing idiots Seattle citizens voted into office. Proof positive that drinking the socialist cool aid our left wing denizens promote rots the brains of those who consume it.

I have stayed away from criticizing the current Catholic Pope because I do not like to criticize religious leaders, unless clear and verifiable evidence warrants it. Many have claimed, and I agree, that the current Pope is not so much a religious leader as an advocate for socialism and possibly even communism. This item which contains his very words compelled me to speak up. I present it to you as evidence of what so many are saying. Read the item and make up your own mind. Quote:"Pope Francis Slams Anti-Lockdown Protestors, Pledges Support for Black Lives Matter. Controversial Pontiff Pope Francis slammed anti-lockdown protesters while simultaneously expressing his support for the radical Black Lives Matter movement. Francis made his bizarre remarks in his new book ‘Let Us Dream.’ As The Daily Wire reports: Pope Francis defended the Black Lives Matter protests that unfolded in the wake of George Floyd’s death while denouncing those protesting the COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions. In a new book, “Let Us Dream,” the Roman pontiff decried police brutality as an affront to human dignity and encouraged people to march in opposition."    He either does not know but knows but does not care that BLM was founded by communists and are violent criminals. Meanwhile he laments patriots who protest government sponsored lockdowns which are notoriously unscientific and causes more problems than they supposedly solve. His thinking is definitely well to the left side of the political ledger. Jesus Christ abhors violence and lawlessness.

George Burns

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