Saturday, November 28, 2020

Joe Biden's Path to the Presidency is Eroding With Each Revelation Of Massive Voter Fraud

Joe cannot win without the courts choosing to validate millions of illegal votes.

As it stands, Joe Biden has not been elected to anything and can only be the president-elect once the Electoral College votes for him on December 14.

Should the courts find that voter fraud did destroy the integrity of the election they can stop the certification of those results which could result in neither Biden nor Trump having the 270 Electoral College votes required to become President.

In such a case, the Constitution pushes the decision back to the State legislatures with each State being given 1 vote in the contingent election, meaning massive California and tiny Rhode Island are considered equals.

If the Supreme Court accepts that voter fraud occurred and it leads to a contingent election, then any vote for Biden-even in States where fraud didn't occur-is a vote for a corrupt machine that attempted to destroy the electoral system.

A Biden vote from a swindled State would constitute an explicit rejection of the voters' will and lead to an even greater, violence filled, constitutional crisis.

Should Biden ascend to the highest office in the land riding on fake votes it means the legal and constitutional safeguards built into the system by the Constitution's Framers have been breached. 

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