Friday, November 27, 2020

All 900 Military Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia Went to Sleepy Joe Biden

In several swing states the Democrats dropped massive numbers of Biden only votes in the middle of the night after announcing they were "Shutting down counting" for some obscene reason.

Now they want you to believe senile Joe Biden beat Donald Trump.

So now Americans are supposed to believe that Joe Biden won the Peach state in a year where President Trump made historic gains.

President Trump won military vote 60% to 34% in 2016.

Trump led the phony polling this year with a 52% to 42% lead over Joe Biden with US veterans.

In what alternate universe does this happen? In 2016, Trump won the military vote 60% to 34%.

If you know a military member in Georgia please have them contact L. Lin Wood. 

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