Monday, November 30, 2020

Trump’s Michael Flynn Pardon Is Only The Beginning Of The Justice This Nation Deserves

Although in pleading guilty Flynn stated he knew his Jan. 24, 2019, statements to FBI Agents Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka about his conversation with the Russian ambassador were false, in moving to withdraw his guilty plea, Flynn maintained his innocence and professed that he "Did not lie to them" and "Believed I was honest with them to the best of my recollection at the time." An uninformed public is likely to discount such a recantation, especially when the press continues to push the "Flynn twice pleaded guilty" narrative and ignores the since-revealed details explaining why Flynn would plead guilty to a crime he did not commit.

As Flynn tells it, the week before he pleaded guilty, his attorneys at the time, Robert Kelner and Stephen Anthony, told Flynn that if he did not plead guilty his son, Michael G. Flynn, "Could or would face indictment." Also, on Nov. 30, 2017-the day before he pleaded guilty-Flynn's former lawyers assured him that if he "Accepted the plea, [his] son Michael would be left in peace." Flynn's former attorneys later again reminded him of the threat to his son shortly before he appeared for the first time before Judge Sullivan.

In a heated exchange between Powell and the lead prosecutor on the Flynn Case, Brandon Van Grack, Powell "Informed Van Grack that Flynn would not testify that he had knowingly filed false Foreign Agent Registration Act statements in the government's criminal case against Flynn's former business partner, prosecutors added Flynn Jr. as a last-minute witness in that criminal case." But after adding Flynn Jr. to the witness list, the prosecutors never called him to testify, "Suggesting it was a scare tactic to get Dad back in line." 2.

Flynn's Guilty Plea Was Invalid The media and left-leaning pundits who continue to rely on Flynn's guilty plea as a basis to brand the retired general a criminal are not only ignoring the wrongful threats made to Flynn to extract that plea, but also failing to report that Flynn filed a motion to withdraw the guilty plea, which, given the facts of the case, should have been granted.

Trump's pardon of Flynn followed Judge Sullivan's improper refusal to dismiss the charge against Flynn, but if the media is going to rely on the fact that Flynn entered a guilty plea to condemn the man, they owe the public the full facts, including that Flynn filed a motion to withdraw the guilty plea based on his actual innocence of the charges.

A text message from Strzok to Page further confirms the purpose of the interview was to elicit a statement from Flynn that was false-even if Flynn did not intentionally lie to the agents.

" The internal communications previously withheld from Flynn's legal team, including new text messages released in late September 2020, reveal just how ridiculous-and pretextual-the supposed investigation into Flynn was.

These documents establish that on Jan. 4, 2017, the FBI transmitted documentation to close the Crossfire Razor investigation into Flynn because he "was no longer a viable candidate as part of the larger Crossfire Hurricane umbrella case.

Several text messages indicating that as early as November 8, 2016-the same day as the 2016 presidential election-the Flynn investigation was to be closed but was later re-opened in early January of 2017.

" The text messages also indicated "the NSLs were just being used as a pretext by FBI leadership to buy time to find dirt on Flynn after the first investigation of him yielded no derogatory information.

"[T]he decision to NSL finances for Razor bought him time," one agent texted, two weeks after the initial closing documents on Flynn went through. 

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